International Travel

International Travel

Proper preparation is key to a safe and worry-free trip abroad. Global Programs is committed to providing the resources you need to prepare for your international experience whether it’s for business or pleasure. Continue reading below for information on important steps to take including how to register your trip and better ensure cybersecurity when traveling.

Helpful Travel Information

Global Travel Guide   Cultural Awareness Brochure    Int'l Experiences Student Guide

Register your trip portal
Travel Checklist
Crisis24 Horizon Mobile 


Travel Resources for the LGBTQIA Community

Depending on destination and culture, LGBTQIA+ travelers may encounter unique challenges while in transit and abroad, including harassment, intimidation, discrimination, barriers to medical and law enforcement assistance, incarceration, and physical violence. Before you leave, do your research and meet with the Travel Security Team.

For more information, please see Global Affairs website.

Trip Registration and Insurance

For COVID-19 travel updates and information, please click here

Business Travel

Per new UC Davis policy, international travel on university business must be registered. We strongly encourage you to register any domestic UC Business travel as well. Trip registration takes less than a minute and affords UC Davis travelers a number of benefits including:

  • Customized, location-specific alerts to mitigate disruption to travel plans
  • Access to valuable travel insurance and emergency contact information
  • Timely assistance, including emergency evacuation, in the event of a crisis

This constant support allows travelers to circumvent potential difficulties with minimal trip disruption!

Note: Travel booked via AggieTravel/Connexxus is automatically registered and a separate registration is not required. Travel booked outside of AggieTravel/Connexxus must be registered. The registration portal referenced above will automatically provide insurance documentation applicable only for University business travel.

Personal Travel

UC Davis personnel may register personal travel in UC Away to receive customized, location-specific travel alerts. 

Please note registering personal travel will not provide insurance. If you would like to purchase similar travel insurance for your personal travel, you have the option to do so here.

Additional pre-trip planning resources:

  • Global Affairs travel tips and resources
  • Crisis24Horizon Mobile app 
    • Learn more about a country you are traveling to.
    • This is a Crisis24 product. It is the same security intelligence company that generates the real-time intel that you receive via email.
    • You need to know the 'Member ID' to access it but one in, can research all destination intelligence (security, health, culture, etc.). Contact or look at the Global Travel Guide to find out the Member ID.
  • U.S. Department of State 
    • Find information on visas, travel warning, advisories, and consular information sheets for your intended destinations

Health Considerations

We encourage all travelers to do their research and schedule a travel specific appointment with their primary care provider to discuss health considerations for their destination(s). On campus resources include the Travel Medicine Program (Occupational Health Services) and the Student Health Services Travel Clinic. See more information on these campus offerings below:

Faculty & Staff - Travel Medicine Program – Occupational Health Services

  • Advertise no cost pre-trip and post trip exams, vaccines/immunizations, and health planning for international travel
  • Missed appointments incur a t $50 missed appointment fee

Students -  Travel Clinic – Student Health and Counseling Services  

  • Make a travel clinic appointment by going to the Student Health and Counseling Services website:
  • Available to all registered students
  • $15 consultation fee (excludes the cost of immunizations/medications)

Travel Alert re: Yellow Fever Vaccine

Please be advised that the United States is currently experiencing a temporary total depletion of yellow fever vaccine (YF-Vax). UC Davis’ Travel Medicine Program, for example, is completely out of the vaccine. Per the CDC, the timing of the YF-Vax return to supply is being reassessed. Please contact our office if you require vaccination for university travel so we can connect you with the Campus Travel Security Manager.

Some countries require proof of vaccination if travelers are arriving from countries “with risk of yellow fever virus transmission.” The listing of such countries can be found here.

Additionally, the WHO maintains a comprehensive, country-specific listing of YF-Vax requirements here.

Additional travel health information:

Cyber Security

Cyber security is an important aspect of travelling abroad; follow the steps below to insure security of your information:

Before you travel:

  • Delete all stored personal and/or sensitive information (bank statements, W2s, IRS documents, etc) from your mobile device before traveling.
  • Be sure your security software is up to date.
  • If you don’t have it already, install and enable security software to protect against malicious applications, viruses, spyware, and malware-based attacks.
  • Install and enable encryption to protect information stored or sent by mobile devices.
  • Use a password or other user authentication (like biometrics if the device is capable of such feature).
  • Install and activate wiping and/or remote disabling to erase the data on your mobile device if it is lost or stolen.
  • Disable and do not install or use file-sharing applications.
  • Install and enable a firewall to block unauthorized access.

While traveling:

  • Maintain physical control of your mobile device. Know where it is at all times to limit the risk of unauthorized use.
  • Avoid or use caution when using unknown/public WiFi (at airports, cafes, restaurants, hotels, etc). If you do need to connect to a public WiFi do not send or receive sensitive information.
  • Research mobile applications (apps) before downloading.
  • If your device is stolen, report it immediately to the local US Embassy or Consulate.

When you return:

  • Check devices for malware and change all your passwords including your voicemail.

International Research
