Giving Stories

Ensuring Feline Health for Generations to Come

Lin Zucconi’s dedication to animals started at an early age. She loved her sister’s cat and had turtles of her own. Her dedication to them earned her the nickname in her neighborhood as the “turtle doctor.” When she went away to college at the University of California, Berkeley, she ensured the turtles had a home at the Oakland Zoo. As she moved into adulthood, she stayed dedicated to animals, especially cats. 

An Evening of Gratitude: School Thanks Donors for Crucial Support of Students

Every year, the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine celebrates the philanthropy of individuals, corporations, and foundations for providing student support through scholarships and fellowships. Held on February 19 this year, the “Evening of Gratitude” gathered students who received scholarships and fellowships, faculty, and scholarship/fellowship donors together.