Incoming DVM Students

Incoming DVM Student Information

Congratulations! You are now officially a member of UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine family! Please contact the Office of Professional Education at if you have any questions or concerns. We want to make sure you feel supported as you prepare to start the DVM program.  In that effort, all incoming DVM students receive regular emails and Canvas announcements from our student support staff during the summer prior to enrollment. These emails and announcements contain information, resources, and tasks to be completed before the first day of the program. While the emails and announcements will have detailed instructions and deadlines, this page provides an overview of some of the most important tasks to complete.  

Accept Your Offer of Admissions

Log in to the DVM applicant portal with the link provided to you via email.  On the home screen in the applicant portal, select the “Accept or Decline Your Admission” button.  Formally accepting your offer of admission let us know that you plan to enroll in the UCD DVM program and is required before we can provide new student services and information to you.

Submit your Statement of Legal Residence

The Statement of Legal Residence (SLR) is used to determine student fees. Even if you have lived in California all of your life, you must still provide evidence of your residency.  The statement must be filed with the Office of the Registrar before the SVM can place you into DVM classes.  More information about the SLR is available at

Set up your UC Davis Computing Account and UC Davis Email

All new students must establish a campus computing account and a UC Davis e-mail account. It may take up to 48 hours after submitting the Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) before you are able to access this function. These tasks must be completed for you to gain access to instructional materials in Canvas, our online learning management system.  Detailed instructions about setting up a computing account is provided by the DVM Admissions staff in January; guidance regarding email accounts is distributed by May. 

Complete the UC and SVM New Student Health Requirements

DVM students are required to complete the UC system-wide student health requirements prior to start of the DVM program. These requirements include submitting a TB Risk Screening Questionnaire, evidence of COVID-19 vaccination, and immunization records to UCD Student Health and Counseling Services (SHCS). These immunization requirements include two MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccines, two Varicella vaccines, one adult TDAP, and one meningococcal vaccine (Menactra, Menomune, or Menveo).

In addition to system-wide health entrance requirements, DVM students must also provide proof of rabies vaccination or protective titer for rabies virus completed no more than 24 months prior to matriculation. During the summer, detailed information will be provided to incoming students about how to meet this requirement by either submitting documentation to SHCS, or participating in a SHCS vaccination clinic that is organized by the SVM during the first term of enrollment.

Finally, all incoming DVM students submit a release of health information.  This release allows the SHCS to share with the SVM specific health information that may affect our community, while maintaining the confidentiality of the individual student’s medical record

More information about UC health requirements for new students can be found at

Waive Enrollment in the UC Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) (optional)

All UC Davis students are required to have health insurance. You are automatically enrolled and charged for UC SHIP unless you waive out of it. You can read more about the UC SHIP dates and costs at If you intend to waive UC SHIP and its associated costs, submit a waiver request by August 1.  Please note that if you intend to waive UC SHIP, you will need to have your Computing Account set up to log into the online waiver application. More information about the waiver process is available at

Request Academic Accommodations (optional)

DVM students are responsible for contacting the Student Disability Center (SDC) prior to each semester in order to have accommodations in place for the academic term.  As it can take approximately two weeks to put accommodations into place, incoming students are encouraged to contact the SDC in July. To speak to a staff member at the Student Disability Center about services and the accommodation process, call (530) 752-3184 or email

For more information, visit the SDC website at Please note that the website encourages students who receive accommodations to share that information with their instructors.  At the SVM, the Office of Professional Education will implement your accommodations. To clarify, it is the SDC that confirms your eligibility and makes accommodation recommendations; it is the Associate Dean of Professional Education who implements those accommodations within the DVM curriculum. 

Pay Your Fees

Please refer to the UC Davis Budget and Institutional Analysis website for DVM fee information at  Fees for the fall semester are assessed in early August.  Financial aid will automatically disburse to your student account to pay fees by the payment deadline of September 15. Students who prefer not to pay all of their fees by September 15 can sign up for a payment plan (“Deferred Payment Plan”). More information and instructions are available at 

Save the Date for the White Coat Ceremony

At UC Davis, you will have the opportunity to work with patients and gain clinical skills in your first year. Therefore, you will take the School of Veterinary Medicine student oath, receive your white coat, and be welcomed into the veterinary profession by the dean in this ceremony that begins your professional education. The White Coat Ceremony is held the Friday evening of the first week of fall semester.  More information about this year’s ceremony can be found at

Confirm Enrollment and Academic Participation

The SVM places you into your courses each term, but there is a university requirement that you proactively confirm your schedule and that you plan to participate in those courses in adherence to the UCD Code of Academic Conduct. Each term, students will be notified by email and Canvas when it is time to confirm enrollment and academic participation.  More information about the academic participation requirement is available at

Complete Sexual Assault Prevention (SAP) Training

UC Davis requires that all professional students complete mandatory sexual assault prevention (SAP) training within the first six weeks of beginning classes at UC Davis.  To complete the SAP requirement, students will receive an email invite in which they will need to access and complete the online Sexual Assault Prevention module via Everfi. Additional information about deadlines and instructions will be provided by the DVM student support staff.

Get Fitted for a N95 Mask  

Although a mask fitting is not required prior to enrollment, DVM students should be aware that N95 masks are required to participate in some parts of the DVM curriculum.  In conjunction with UCD Student Health and Counseling Services and UCD Occupational Health, the SVM facilitates the medical clearances needed to be fitted for a N95 mask as well as the mask fitting appointments. More information about the SVM/VMTH Respiratory Protection Program can be found at