A Beer Named Floyd

Chuck Nettnins with dogs Ladelle (left) and Floyd (right)
Chuck Nettnins with Ladelle (left) and Floyd (right)

A Beer Named Floyd

Floyd was a ball fanatic with the heart of a retriever. The muscular black and white Boston terrier would play fetch for hours with Ananda and Chuck Nettnins before collapsing in his water trough to cool off.

A few months after his death in April 2016 from hemangiosarcoma, a cancer of the vascular endothelium or the blood vessel walls, the Nettnins discovered a secret stash of more than 20 balls hidden under their couch.

To honor Floyd and all the fun memories he gave them, the Nettnins wanted to do something special. They had recently opened a brewery called Three Stacks and a Rock, so they created a new American strong ale, A Beer Named Floyd. For each pint sold, the Nettnins generously donate $1 to the Companion Animal Memorial Fund (CAMF) in his memory.

“We love dogs so much and wish they had more opportunity to survive horrible diseases like cancer, especially hemangiosarcoma,” Chuck said. “We will continue to fundraise and donate as much as possible even in these tough times.”

The Nettnins first learned about CAMF several years ago when their veterinarian Dr. A.J. Hardy, DVM ’80, of the Lifetime Animal Care Center, donated to this fund in memory of their first Boston terrier, Ladelle, who also succumbed to hemangiosarcoma.

When the Nettnins learned that nearly one in four dogs develop cancer, they too decided to donate to CAMF and raised funds by selling their handcrafted dog treats. Floyd’s passing and the recent loss of their third Boston terrier, Darby, from cancer made their commitment to supporting this fund even stronger. In memory of Darby, her veterinarian Dr. Richard Knighton, DVM ’86, of the Los Osos Pet Hospital also made a donation to CAMF.

CCAH Director Michael Kent described memorial tributes as a special way to ensure that beloved animal companions will never be forgotten. The CAMF program supports discoveries in diverse animal health areas, such as cancer therapy, infectious diseases, nutrition, kidney failure, heart disease, diabetes, and genetic disease.

“We are grateful to Ananda and Chuck for their deep commitment to animal health. Floyd, Ladelle and Darby will always be remembered,” Kent said. “The memorial tributes from Dr. Hardy and Dr. Knighton are a meaningful way to honor these loyal canine companions.

Learn more about the Companion Animal Memorial Fund, and read more stories from the Spring 2021 issue of the Center For Companion Animal Health Update.


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