Exotic Animal Medicine Residents Receive National Awards

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Exotic Animal Medicine Residents Receive National Awards

Nicole Mikoni, DVM
Nicole Mikoni, DVM

Two house officer veterinarians with the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM) were recently named the inaugural recipients of the Outstanding American Journal of Veterinary Research (AJVR) Resident Manuscript Awards. Drs. Nicole Mikoni & Paula Rodriguez, residents with the UC Davis veterinary hospital’s Companion Exotic Animal Medicine and Surgery Service, were recognized with the awards at the American Veterinary Medical Association annual convention, held recently in Philadelphia.

Dr. Mikoni was selected for her co-authoring of the manuscript “Evaluation of weight-bearing, locomotion, thermal antinociception, and footpad size in a carrageenan-induced inflammatory model in the cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus).” Joining her on the publication were SVM faculty members Drs. David Guzman, Hugues Beaufrere, and Joanne Paul-Murphy.

Paula Rodriguez, DVM
Paula Rodriguez, DVM

Dr. Rodriguez was selected for her co-authoring of the manuscript “Pharmacokinetics of grapriprant administered to red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) after food was withheld for 24 hours.” She was joined on the publication by SVM faculty members Drs. Joanne Paul-Murphy, Heather Knych, Tracy Drazenovich, and Michelle Hawkins.

Nominated manuscripts were reviewed by the AJVR’s Associate Editor Board’s Awards Committee and were ranked based on potential impact and clinical relevance.

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