A Night to Remember—Celebrating 75 Years!

Dreams do come true at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, as witnessed at the 75th Anniversary Gala on Saturday, June 29, at the Sacramento Memorial Auditorium.
As guests arrived decked out in a mix of Country Music Awards attire meets the Oscars, they were greeted by stilt walkers and live music. Sparkly cowboy boots, turquoise-studded bolo ties, fancy Stetsons, evening gowns and a lot of glitz filled the auditorium where guests enjoyed dinner, laughter and a common dedication to the mission of the school: Improving the lives of animals, humans and the environment.
Champion figure skater Brian Boitano served as the emcee for the gala, which featured performances by the Sacramento Contemporary Dance Theater, multiple inspiring videos and stories, heartfelt speeches, a silent auction and a live auction. Overall, through the gala, the school has raised nearly $850,000 for scholarships. You can still change a student's life by giving to the 75th Anniversary Endowment Fund.
Dean Mark Stetter welcomed the guests after riding his trademark scooter to the stage. He honored the school’s past 75 years that started with humble beginnings and a dream: to improve the health of animals, advance science, and to support the people and agriculture of California and around the world. Stetter also highlighted the school’s vision for the future.
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“Now, 75 years later, we have exceeded all expectations and have a deep and broad impact across society,” he said. “Routinely ranked as one of the top programs in the world, we have evolved into an international leader, demonstrating excellence in the quality of our faculty, staff, students, our biomedical discoveries and our exceptional veterinary service. This remarkable journey would not have been possible without the unwavering support of individuals like you. Tonight, we come together not only to commemorate our past but also to peer into our future—a future filled with incredible promise for an even greater positive impact on our world.”
Tonight, we come together not only to commemorate our past but also to peer into our future—a future filled with incredible promise for an even greater positive impact on our world.”
—Dean Mark Stetter
Stetter took a moment to recognize the key players that made the celebration possible, starting with the gala organizing committee: John Klacking, Julia Lewis, Jan Miller Rich, Jerry Rosenthal, Sasha Wirth, Lee Ann Jansen, Bethany Knudsen, Tom Hinds, and Jacob Gutierrez-Montoya. He offered a special thanks to gala chair, Gayle Brock.

The school has a very special group of VIP volunteers—the Dean’s Leadership Council—who support our programs in many ways and provide us with their time and treasure. Stetter asked them to stand and be recognized as well as the gold, bronze and alumni sponsors. Retired faculty and staff were also honored, as well as dignitaries present: California State Treasurer, Fiona Ma; UC Davis Provost Mary Croughan; Dean Emeritus Bennie Osborn and Dean Emeritus Michael Lairmore. Ma presented Stetter with a ceremonial resolution in appreciation of the school and to commemorate its 75 years of exceptional and innovative veterinary medicine.
Part of Stetter’s professional journey to UC Davis included 15 years at Disney World.
“One of the best parts of my job now is also being part of a team that makes dreams come true,” he said. “Tonight, we will all get to experience a taste of magic and share some examples of dreams coming true. They might be a young kid with dreams of becoming an animal doctor, or it might be a story of groundbreaking research that saves lives or just might be the magical moments like tonight, when hundreds of like minded people come together and celebrate.”
One of the best parts of my job now is also being part of a team that makes dreams come true.”
—Dean Mark Stetter

Katie Griffin, a dual degree DVM/Ph.D. student in the Veterinary Scientist Training Program, gave a brief, inspiring speech about the power of scholarships and how they have helped pave her career path. She is focusing her research in immunology by studying osteosarcoma, a cancer that affects dogs and children. She will return to veterinary school this August, where she will work to become an equine veterinarian and hopes to one day give back to veterinary academia as a faculty member, helping animals both in the clinic and at the lab bench, while also training the next generation of veterinarians.
Jacob Gutierrez-Montoya and Maggie Elizabeth May, vocalists with the Sacramento Contemporary Dance Theater, performed a rousing rendition of “The Impossible Dream,” paying tribute to all the dreams the school hopes to make come true—for patients, students and scientists.
Halie Behr served as auctioneer for the night, showcasing a trip to Costa Rica, several private dinners, artwork and a visit to Patagonia.
Boitano shared the story of his dog Hunter and how UC Davis has provided treatment for Hunter’s cancer. Then he introduced a story about another disease—spina bifida—where UC Davis is making a difference through the power of collaboration and life-changing discoveries. After the video, Tobi, an 18-month-old little boy featured, and ToMo, a French bulldog, walked onto the stage.

Both were born with spina bifida and until recent scientific advances in stem cell treatment and regenerative medicine, neither of them could have walked onto the stage while 400 attendees rose for a standing ovation. Thanks to the visionary research and collaboration of veterinary and human medical professionals, Tobi and ToMo lead active, mobile lives—a dream come true.
As Dean Mark Stetter states in the video featuring the spina bifida clinical trials and success stories, that is just one of thousands of diseases that animals and people share.
“As we think about the fact that we’re in our 75th anniversary and looking to our future, this is just the beginning,” he said.
“You haven’t seen anything yet.”
Many sponsors helped make this event possible, including:
- Presenting sponsors: Jan Miller and Jeff Rich
- Platinum sponsors: Marcia and Max Messmer, Zoetis, Koret Foundation
- Diamond sponsors: Alison Pillsbury, HealthyPets, Fiona Ma, Slashop, Ariat International, Inc and Chewy
- Entertainment Sponsor: Sacramento Contemporary Dance Theater (SCDT)
View the full sponsor listing