Job Search

New, Free Online Job Board Excellent resource for employers and students!
Free Online Job Board Excellent resource for employers and students!

Summer Externship, Internship and Job Search

Our Free Online Job Board is an excellent resource for students to discover exciting employment opportunities and other useful tools!

One-on-one Job Search Strategies

In addition to all of the resources listed below, personal assistance is also available for students to seek advice and learn strategies on how to conduct a successful summer externship, internship or job search. DVM students can set up an appointment by contacting Amanda Steidlmayer, Director of the Career, Leadership and Wellness Center.


Our very own School of Veterinary Medicine electronic job board lists summer externships, internships (outside of the VIRMP), part-time, temporary/seasonal and full-time/permanent employment as well as relief opportunities for current students and alumni. Outside scholarships are listed as well!

DVM Virtual Career Fairs

VetCAN DVM Virtual Career Fair
In partnership with the Veterinary Career Advisor Network (VetCAN - a professional organization of veterinary career professionals), the Career, Leadership and Wellness Center provides DVM students, and alumni, the opportunity to participate in DVM Virtual Career Fairs. Offered at least once a semester (typically Sept./Oct and Feb./March), these career fairs provide students the ability to network and build relationships with veterinary hospitals and practitioners/recruiters while also allowing for a convenient and excellent avenue to secure externships, internships (outside of the VIRMP), and full-time/permanent positions. For more information visit Careereco. Click on "Virtual Events" ⇒ "Upcoming Events" and search "DVM".

CVMA Summer Work Experience Program (SWEP)

Need a job over the summer break? SWEP is a work experience program offered by the California Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA). CVMA member veterinary students are provided with a listing of paid summer employment opportunities at CA veterinary practices. Students can search through the variety of opportunities and apply for summer jobs of interest. As CVMA members, students can gain more information about SWEP by logging into the CVMA website. The job listings that were provided by SWEP participating veterinary practices will be forwarded to all first year and second year students via email around mid-February.

Veterinary Internship & Residency Matching Program (VIRMP)

"The American Association of Veterinary Clinicians sponsors the Veterinary Internship and Residency Matching Program (VIRMP) to expedite the selection of interns and residents for participating veterinary colleges and private verterinary practices."

"The AAVMC has developed a comprehensive set of Veterinary Internship Guidelines designed to bolster and ensure the academic integrity of internship programs. These guidelines describe the minimum standards for internship programs relative to educational program design, clinical experience and responsibilities, training environment and resources, health and wellness support, work conditions, and program outcome and reporting."

Visit this website for more information on internships (and clinical externships that would take place during 4th year). Additional information on internships and residencies can be found here.


  • LinkedIn is a professional networking website.
  • Display work experiences, education, skills, and interests via an online platform.
  • Connect and easily communicate with students and professionals.
  • Search for job opportunities (click here for more filters).

Create and use a LinkedIn account to show potential employers information and personality that may not appear on a resume. Use it to network and keep in contact with professionals as well as to find job opportunities that are not listed elsewhere.

External Job Boards

AAVMC Career Center

American Association of Bovine Practitioners (AABP)

American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP)

American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians (AAWV)

American Association of Zoo Veterinarians (AAZV) 

American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (ACLAM)

Army Veterinary Corps

AVMA Veterinary Career Center and AVMA Student Externship Locator

CVMA Classifieds


Sacramento Valley Veterinary Medical Association (SVVMA) Classified Ads

Southern California Veterinary Medical Association (SCVMA) Classified Ads

U. S. Department of Agriculture


Veterinary Career Network (VCN)

VetQuest Classified

Relief Work - Relief Services for Veterinary Practitioners (RSVP)


Recruitment/Staffing Agencies

Get A Vet Staffing



The Vet Recruiter

Vet Net America