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Anatomy, Physiology, & Cell Biology

About The Department of Anatomy, Physiology, & Cell Biology

The Department of Anatomy, Physiology, & Cell Biology (APC) researches the strengths in gastrointestinal, neuroimmune, musculoskeletal, cardiorespiratory systems as well as developmental biology with an emphasis on the strong correlation between structure and function. 

Our goal is to introduce and foster the most up-to-date development in the study of anatomy, physiology, behavior, biomechanics, and cell biology; to maintain educational, research and service programs of the highest quality, pertaining to animal health and disease; and to promote excellence and originality in advancing the knowledge and techniques of cellular and physiological mechanisms of organ function as an interdisciplinary focus for research and application in the areas of:

  • Cardiopulmonary and hemostatic systems
  • Ecotoxicology - terrestrial and aquatic
  • Gastrointestinal physiology and metabolism
  • Reproductive biology
  • Musculoskeletal system
  • Nervous system
  • Behavior


View our contact information here.


Emeritus Faculty

  • Bruss, Michael
  • Connon, Richard E.
  • Cardinet, George
  • Curry, Donald L.
  • Faulkin, Leslie
  • Gietzen, Dorothy


Ashley Carr

Ashley Carr

Chief Administrator Officer (CAO)
1203 VM3B
Phone: (530) 754-1501
Email: ashcarr@ucdavis.edu


Sylvia Centeno

Sylvia Centeno

Academic & Staff Personnel
1210 VM3B
Phone: (530) 752-0774
Email: scenteno@ucdavis.edu

Diana Dai

Diana Dai

Account Manager
1205 VM3B
Phone: (530) 752-2791
E-mail: ydai@ucdavis.edu

Caprice Haan

Caprice Haan

APC/VMB Business Assistant
1210 VM3B
E-mail: cehaan@ucdavis.edu

Deuane Khamnivong

Deuane Khamnivong

1210 VM3B
Phone: (530) 754-8769
E-mail: dkham@ucdavis.edu

Gina Plessas

Gina Plessas

Financial Analyst IV
1210 VM3B
E-mail: glpessas@ucdavis.edu


School of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Anatomy, Physiology & Cell Biology
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA  95616

Location: 1089 Veterinary Medicine Drive, Vet Med 3B

Chairperson: Clare Yellowley - email
Chief Administrative Officer (CAO): Ashley Carr - email

For Administrative Assistance, please email: apcvmbhelp@ucdavis.edu