We provide a unique and critical linkage between the basic and clinical sciences.
About PMI
The Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology is one of six academic departments in the School of Veterinary Medicine; it provides a unique and critical linkage between the basic and clinical sciences. The mission of the department is the effective integration of the disciplines of immunology, microbiology (including bacteriology, parasitology and virology) and pathology (both anatomic and clinical) into the teaching, research, and service programs of the school and campus. Through this mission, the department promotes the understanding of causes and diagnosis of disease in animals and the mechanisms by which diseases develop at the organismal, cellular and molecular, and, increasingly, genetic levels. The correlated applied (translational) mission is to advance the use of morphologic, microbiologic, biochemical, genetic, and immunologic methods for diagnosis and prevention of disease.
- Anatomic Pathology
- Bacteriology and Mycology
- Clinical Pathology
- Immunology
- Microbiology
- Molecular Biology
- Parasitology
- Virology
- Adaska, John
- Affolter, Verena
- Ammersbach, Melanie
- Anthony, Simon
- Armien Medianero, Anibal
- Asin, Javier
- Barker, Chris
- Brostoff, Terza
- Choi, Eun ju (April)
- Coffey, Lark
- Diaz-Ochoa, Vladimir
- Ernst, Peter
- Henderson, Eileen
- Imai, Denise
- Keel, M. Kevin
- Keller, Stefan
- Kol, Amir
- Lanzaro, Gregory
- Macias Rioseco, Melissa
- Mete, Asli
- Miller, Christopher
- Morrison, Amy
- Murphy, Brian
- Ochoa, Jennine
- Olstad, Katherine
- Payne, Michael
- Pesavento, Patricia
- Reader, Rachel
- Saeij, Jeroen
- Savage, Hannah
- Shapiro, Karen
- Shivaprasad, H.L.
- Sigurdson, Christina
- Toohey-Kurth, Kathy
- Urbano, Rodolfo
- Uzal, Francisco
- Van Rompay, Koen
- Vapniarsky Arzi, Natalia
- Vernau, William
- Viall, Austin
- Watson, Katherine
- Woolard, Kevin
Emeritus Faculty
- Anderson, Mark
- Baker, Norman
- Barr, Bradd
- Barthold, Stephen
- Baumgarth, Nicole
- Biberstein, Ernst
- Borjesson, Dori
- Boyce, Walter
- Byrne, Barbara
- Christopher, Mary
- Clothier, Kristin
- Conrad, Patricia
- Gershwin, Laurel
- Griffey, Stephen
- Hirsh, Dwight
- Jain, Nemi
- Kinde, Hailu
- Lairmore, Michael D.
- LeFebvre, Rance
- Lowenstine, Linda
- MacLachlan, N. James
- Marthas, Marta
- Moeller, Robert
- Mohr, F. Charles
- Moore, Peter
- Murphy, Frederick
- Osburn, Bennie
- Osebold, John
- Pool, Roy
- Reisen, William
- Stott, Jeffrey
- Wilson, Dennis
- Wong, Ming
- Woods, Leslie
- Yilma, Tilahun
- Zee, Yuan
- Zinkl, Joseph

Dyana Greene
Chief Administrative Officer
(530) 752-9351
4225 Vet Med 3A
Elizabeth Lange
Academic and Staff Personnel Specialist
(530) 752-2015
4217 Vet Med 3A

Leah Montez
Research and Financial Administration
(530) 752-7731
4223 Vet Med 3A

Jason Queen
Financial Assistant
(530) 752-1358
4206 Vet Med 3A

Sarah Quiratman
Research and Financial Administration
(530) 752-4234
4219 Vet Med 3A