Request a Website

Use this form to request a new site within the School of Veterinary Medicine

The SVM provides web site design services as part of our on-going communications and marketing initiative. Unit leaders are responsible for the content development and maintenance of their unit web pages. Site content managers/staff must be identified to ensure that content is regularly reviewed and kept current and for SiteFarm training.

Specifically, will it be associated with an SVM department, VMTH or other existing webpage?
The site content manager is the primary person in your unit responsible for editing and/or managing site content.
Please also provide an email address.
Is this a new site or moved content from another site?
Is there an upcoming event, activity or conference associated with this web site?
Will the site be longterm, or will it be supporting a finite project?
Is there a specific development or grant funding initiative linked to this web site?
Do you have content (copy, photos, etc.) prepared?
Please let us know if you have any additional notes or instructions regarding your new site.