faithful partner fund

Knee Surgery Gets Rescue Dog Back on the Search

Clutch, an 8-year-old pit bull terrier, was rescued five years ago from a shelter just before being euthanized. His new owner, Al Thielemann, noticed his ability to stay active so he started training Clutch in a variety of jobs – dock diving, nose work detection, and other types of working activities. But Clutch preferred to be off leash and be more active.

UC Davis Aids Long-Serving K-9 Officer

Wildlife Officer Paul Cardoza, a game warden with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), refers to his partner, K-9 Kilo, as his most trusted piece of equipment. The pair have been together for 11 years. So, when Kilo, a 13-year-old male German shepherd/Belgian Malinois mix, was having trouble walking and supporting himself on his hind limbs, Cardoza sought out the specialists at the UC Davis veterinary hospital.

Emergency Team Administers First Aid Course for K9 Handlers

Earlier this year, K9 Officer Cort of the Fairfield (CA) Police Department was stabbed while apprehending a suspect. California Highway Patrol (CHP) officers were on site and immediately called their air division that had a helicopter in the area. CHP flew Cort to the UC Davis airport where campus police transported him about a mile to the university’s veterinary hospital.

UC Davis Veterinarians Successfully Treat K9 Officer’s Mysterious Illness

Aero, a 7-year-old German shepherd-Belgian Malinois mix, is back in action with the Anderson (CA) Police Department as a narcotics-detecting K9 officer. Four years ago, however, he was forced to prematurely retire after a mysterious illness caused his energy levels to plummet and his muscles to atrophy. His handler, Officer Mike Hallagran, did not think Aero would survive.

UC Davis Veterinarians Honored For Saving K-9 Officer’s Life

A San Joaquin County K-9 who nearly died in 2014 after being stabbed by a suspect, was being saved yet again, this time by the veterinary team at UC Davis. This past March, seven-year-old K-9 Haakon was taken to the UC Davis Veterinary Medical Hospital for a ruptured bladder.

Woodland Police K9 Officer Peydro Released from Hospital

After nine days of hospitalization, following an emergency facial procedure and spinal surgery, Woodland (CA) Police K9 Officer Peydro was discharged from the UC Davis veterinary hospital on June 6. Several police officers, family members, and well-wishers were on hand to celebrate his release. Peydro even received a police escort off campus.