[LVMA] Belonging and Community Cultural Wealth

NOTE: Student club and organization events are limited to current UC Davis Veterinary Medicine students who are registered SAVMA members. Additionally, many club and organization events are further restricted to club members who have paid their respective club dues.

Event Date

Valley Hall 1041

Latinx Veterinary Medical Association welcomes Curandera Yvette Mari in a collective care session where we will situate belonging as an antidote to othering 
and discuss the role of community cultural wealth as a source of power and ancestral well-being. Join us as we create a space to share the unique experiences of first generation and/or BIPOC veterinary students and cultivating power instead of imposter syndrome. 

Heartfelt food will be provided by woman and immigrant led, Los Cilantros. Intentional wellness gifts will be given to the first 30 people to sign up. 

This event is open to all people.