Tributes & Memorials

Tributes and Memorials

Gifts to honor a beloved pet, family member or friend are a thoughtful way to pay tribute or memorialize someone special. Your gift will support the School of Veterinary Medicine and our mission to advance the health of animals, people and the environment. If you share the honoree’s address with us, we will send a letter notifying the honoree of your generosity (we do not share the amount of your gift).

Also, you may wish to honor someone special forever and leave a lasting remembrance through:

  • Engraved bricks
  • Forever Friends Wall
  • Dedicated benches

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Development at (530) 752-7024.

  • Engraved bricks
  • Brick walkway is located in Edna’s Park at the Center for Companion Animal Health. Passersby will enjoy reading the special inscriptions and enduring tributes to loved ones. This is even truer for our many clients and visitors who use the courtyard to relax and contemplate while awaiting an appointment or treatment for their beloved animals.

    Inscribe a brick in tribute to a special friend.
    Choose from two sizes:

    8" x 8" for 6 lines of 20 characters - gift level $275.00
    4" x 8" for 3 lines of 20 characters - gift level $150.00

    Honor a much-loved pet

    Recognize a friend or family member

    Pay tribute to a special companion

    Memorialize a beloved animal, and more...

    To inscribe a memorial brick, please download the memorial brick form (PDF) and send the completed form to:

    UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine
    Office of Advancement
    P.O. Box 1167
    Davis, CA 95617-1167

  • Forever Friends Wall
  • The Friends Forever Wall in Angel's Courtyard at the Center for Companion Animal Health, offers a unique way to honor the special relationship you have with your pets. Personalized plaques are woven into the whimsical artwork that creates a colorful everlasting tribute to your beloved friend.

    By purchasing a plaque, you support the Center for Companion Animal Health's mission of improving the health of small animals through academic studies into diseases affecting dogs, cats and small alternative pets.

    Laser etched, metal plaques are available in the following sizes:

    $5,000 - Large, 6x8 inches

    $3,000 - Medium, 3x8 inches

    $3,000 - Medium, 4x6 inches

    $1,500 - Standard, 3x4 inches

    To inscribe a plaque, please download the Forever Friends wall form (PDF) and send the completed form to:

    UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine
    Office of Advancement
    P.O. Box 1167
    Davis, CA 95617-1167

  • Dedicated benches
  • Dedicating a bench at the Center for Companion Animal Health is an enduring way to share a special message. The dedicated benches are located in Edna’s Park and Angel’s Courtyard at the Center for Companion Animal Health (CCAH).

    By dedicating a bench, you support the Center for Companion Animal Health's mission of improving the health of small animals through academic studies into diseases affecting dogs, cats and small alternative pets.

    Benches are available for the following cost:

    $10,000 - a bench with an engraved plaque

    To dedicate a bench, please download the Dedicated Benches form (PDF) and send the completed form to:

    UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine
    Office of Advancement
    P.O. Box 1167
    Davis, CA 95617-1167