Diego Roque Aguayo - Mexico
Dual Focus: Clinical & Research
Hi! My name is Diego Roque Aguayo and this summer I did my Global Programs Externship in Queretaro, Mexico. I had the incredible opportunity to volunteer and do my research project with RVETS (Rural Veterinary Experience Teaching and Service) Mexico. RVETS Mexico is a non profit organization that provides free veterinary services to rural communities. I was able to work with a variety of species during my externship. Some of these species include dogs, cats, horses, donkeys, mules and cattle. In addition to my clinical experience, I was able to conduct research. My research project consists of assessing the impact of access to care clinics on animals, owners, veterinarians and veterinary students in Mexico.
The first part of my externship consists of working with dogs and cats. We focused mainly on doing spays and neuters. However, some additional services included preventative care and treating ticks and fleas. I was able to help from prepping the surgeries to talking to owners and answering any questions they had. I was able to do my first cat neuter under veterinary supervision which was an amazing experience. The veterinarians who volunteered were extremely patient and willing to teach. We went from working with small animals to a bigger species.

During the second part of my externship we worked with horses, donkeys and mules. I was a little nervous because I had no previous experience working with large animals. However, Dr. Urbiola and the other incredible veterinarians taught me about equine medicine and surgery. I was able to do two horse castrations during this time. This was such a milestone in my veterinary journey and it could not have been possible without the guidance of the RVETS Mexico veterinarians. Other procedures that I was able to help with were dental flotations, hoof work and deworming. A moment I will forever remember was when an owner came up to us and said “RVETS Mexico is the reason why my animal is healthy, and my animal is my happiness. Therefore, I am able to live a happy life.” Moments like this reassure me that I chose the correct career and that I can make a difference in the lives of animals and people in the future.

The third part of my externship consists of working with bovines. This clinic focused on providing preventative care to these animals. We were able to administer vaccines, deworming and in some cases fluid therapy. This was a very unique experience because we traveled to the home of the owners and provided care to their animals there. In total we provided care to around 700 animals and the owners were extremely grateful.

I want to share a little bit about myself so you can better understand the personal impact of this experience. I lived and was raised on a small farm in a rural town in Mexico for most of my life. There was only one veterinarian and it was very difficult for him to provide care to all the animals in my town. People either had financial or geographical barriers that made it difficult for their animals to get veterinary care. This was such an incredible experience and there are countless things that had a positive impact on me. My research project led me to conclude that organizations like RVETS Mexico that provide veterinary care to rural communities have a positive impact on the wellbeing of animals, owners, veterinarians and veterinary students. I want to help my community in the future as a veterinarian and this experience allowed me to understand veterinary care in Mexico. Thank you to UC Davis Global Programs, Center for Equine Health, RVETS Mexico, and my mentors Dr. Lais Costa and Dr. Victor Urbiola for making this life changing experience possible.