Anatomic Pathology Service

Anatomic Pathology Service


Anatomic Pathology Service

The UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (VMTH) Anatomic Pathology Service is staffed by anatomic pathologists, board-certified by the American College of Veterinary Pathologists (ACVP), anatomic pathology residents in training, administrative staff, histotechnicians, and necropsy technicians. Services offered to internal and external clinicians include biopsy, dermatopathology, and neuropathology services as well as diagnostic special staining, immunohistochemistry (IHC), and immunocytochemistry (ICC). Postmortem examination (necropsy) is available to current hospital patients. Cases provide valuable teaching material to future veterinarians and residents who are aspiring to be leaders in the field of veterinary anatomic pathology. 

Our service has a long history of supporting the advancement of veterinary medicine. If you are interested in supporting the Anatomic Pathology Service, we encourage you to contribute to the Peter C. Kennedy Fund to help our resident training program.

While we do not accept non-VMTH patients for postmortem examination, the Educational Memorial Program utilizes donations for teaching necropsy techniques to senior veterinary students. Eligible donations must be a dog or cat, have been deceased less than 24 hours, weigh less than 50 pounds, have no known transmittable disease to people, and have not had any chemotherapy treatment within the last 5 days. Delivery of the deceased pet is the owner's responsibility. Examination can be limited. Results of the examination will not be shared with the owner and no written record will be kept. Please contact (530) 752-1393 for more information.

The following information is for referring veterinarians and researchers. If you are a client of the VMTH (owner of a patient), please contact your veterinarian regarding anatomic pathology service your patient received.


Each case is examined by a resident and a board-certified pathologist. Areas of expertise that our pathologists have include dermatopathology, infectious disease, exotic/wildlife pathology, liver pathology, lymphoproliferative disorders, musculoskeletal disease, neuropathology, and oral pathology. Dermatopathology and neuropathology are offered as a specialty service (please see below). Referring veterinarians may contact the service office for current pricing and submission information at

Biopsy Submission Form (pdf)

Shipping Instructions (pdf)


The dermatopathology service is primarily handled by Dr. Verena Affolter and Dr. Clinson Lui. Clinical dermatology consulting is also available.  Click here for more information.


The neuropathology service is handled by Dr. Kevin Woolard. Click here for more information.


The histopathology service offers researchers routine H&E processing, decalcification, specialty sectioning, and a wide variety of special stains, immunohistochemical stains (IHC) and immunocytochemical stains (ICC).  Please contact the laboratory for specific information, turn-around times, and project pricing at

Special Histochemical Stain Request Form (pdf)

IHC Stain Request Form (pdf)

ICC Request Form (pdf)


The Necropsy Service performs necropsies/autopsies on current patients from the VMTH. Tissue samples collected during necropsy are examined microscopically by residents and/or board-certified pathologists in order to answer clinical questions. This service also trains resident veterinarians in the specialty of anatomic pathology through a residency program and all fourth-year veterinary students spend two weeks in the service to better understand the pathogenesis of the diseases and ancillary testing requests to achieve the final diagnosis. The remains of the necropsy/autopsy are disposed of by private cremation per the owner’s wishes or are communally cremated.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When will the biopsy results for my pet be available? 
  • Your assigned clinician will contact you with results typically within 3 days of sample submission.
  • Can I call the Pathology Service and talk to the pathologist to receive necropsy or biopsy results on my animal, or to speed the system up? 
  • No, all communication about the case will come from your assigned clinician.
  • Do you perform necropsies for non-VMTH clients? 
  • No, we do not perform necropsies on outside cases. For livestock contact the California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory. For small animals contact a private necropsy service.
  • I am a client but have a non-VMTH patient that I want to have necropsied. Can the necropsy be performed?
  • No. For livestock contact the California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory. For small animals contact a private necropsy service.
  • When will my animal be necropsied?
  • Necropsies are typically performed on the day of submission, Monday-Saturday. 
  • After my animal is examined, how long will it be held for pick-up?
  • After a necropsy, the owner may either choose to have their pet's remains privately cremated (ashes returned) or communally cremated (no ashes returned). If you choose private cremation, please make arrangements with a private pet cemetery/crematorium and call the hospital to let us know of your decision. If 10 days have lapsed, no decision has been made and multiple attempts have been made to contact you, the pet will be communally cremated and no ashes will be returned.
  • When will I receive my necropsy results?
  • Your assigned clinician will contact you with the final report within 6-8 weeks post-necropsy.
  • Can I donate my pet’s body?
  • The Educational Memorial Program utilizes donations for teaching necropsy techniques to senior veterinary students. Eligible donations must be a dog or cat, have been decease less than 24 hours, weigh less than 50 pounds, have no known diseases transmittable to humans, have not had any chemotherapy treatment within the last 5 days. Delivery of the deceased pet is the owner's responsibility. Please contact (530) 752-1393 for eligibility and more information.



Eunju (April) Choi, DVM, PhD, DACVP
Chief of Service
Faculty Page


Verena Affolter, DVM, PhD, DECVP
Professor, Clinical Dermatopathology
Faculty Page


Kevin Keel, DVM, PhD, DACVP
Faculty Page


Stefan Keller, DVM, PhD, DACVP
Faculty Page


Clinson Lui, DVM, DACVP
Associate Professor, Clinical Dermatopathology 


Brian Murphy, DVM, PhD, DACVP
Faculty Page


Patricia A. Pesavento, DVM, PhD, DACVP
Faculty Page


Natalia Vapniarsky Arzi, DVM, PhD, DACVP
Faculty Page


Kevin Woolard, DVM, PhD, DACVP
Faculty Page

House Officers

Zoo & Wildlife Track
Sarah Zurbuchen, DVM - Resident I
Melissa Chromik, DVM - Resident II
Alene Pohly, DVM - Resident III

Laboratory Animal Track
Monica Jimenez, VMD, PhD - Resident I
Tessa Kell, DVM - Resident II
Samantha Kovacs, DVM, PhD - Resident III

Standard Track
Abbie Metcalfe, DVM - Resident I
Pedro Alejandro Triana Garcia, DVM - Resident II
Maya Schlesinger, DVM - Resident III


Service Manager
Emily Lambert

Office Administrator
Amanda Storms

McKenna Farnham
Viviana Vazquez

Sergio Ayala
Shelee Belasco
Craig Glenn
Athena Poloai
Lauren Wilke