Brand guide cover

Brand Guide


PowerPoint Templates

Each style set contains a smaller file with no animated end slide and a set that contains the animation. Animation files are large. Templates use Microsoft's cross-platform compatible font Aptos. Download here.

View the PPT Template Key (pdf) for more info about file sets.



Zoom Backgrounds*

There are three full sets of each design in:



Email Headers

For email banners, including customized VMTH, etc. prior to the 75th Anniversary branding, please view and download here.

Internal communications email templates for Outlook are available for download here.


Email Signatures*

A variety of animal logo email signatures options are compiled in a Word document to copy and paste.

Instructions on how to update your email signature for Outlook,, or Gmail.

*Note that the new animal SVM logos are approved only for use in the 2024 Brand Toolkit assets.

The Veterinary Medicine brand guide supplements the UC Davis Brand Communications GuideThis article provides additional background on how the Veterinary Medicine visual brand was developed.


Primary Palette

The University of California’s blue and gold were chosen in 1873, with blue for the California sky and gold for the state’s designation as the Golden State. Our blue and gold are unique within the system and represent us as Aggies at the very highest level.

primary palette
Aggie Blue

PMS Custom color in development
CMYK: 100/56/0/34
HTML: #022851
RGB: 2/40/81
hsla(211, 95%, 16%, 1)

Aggie Gold

PMS 110 C
CMYK: 0/19/100/15
RGB: 255/191/0
hsla(45, 100%, 50%, 1)

Secondary Palette

Along with our distinctive Aggie Blue and Gold, our primary palette is complemented with a robust set of secondary colors. Our secondary palette represents the vibrancy of UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine and the comprehensive reach of our school. These colors can be used in a variety of ways, but they should never be used for the UC Davis logo or identity.

secondary palette

Black 30%
CMYK: 0/0/0/100
RGB: 178/178/178


PMS 306
CMYK: 75/0/5/0
HTML: #00B2E3
RGB: 0/191/226


PMS 3265
CMYK: 75/0/43/0
HTML: #00C4B3
RGB: 0/199/177


PMS 116
CMYK: 0/14/100/0
RGB: 255/199/44


PMS 1787
CMYK: 0/89/66/0
HTML: #F93549
RGB: 244/54/76



Our fonts are Proxima Nova, Ryman Eco and Freight Text Pro. Used together, these typefaces help create a clear hierarchy and keep our content legible and engaging.

proxima nova font

Proxima Nova is our sans-serif face and the workhorse of our typography collection. Pragmatic, friendly and versatile, Proxima Nova is suited for all applications. Bold, extra bold and black weights work best in headlines, while middle weights are better for body copy and captions.

freight text font

The FreightText Pro family contains our secondary serif faces. When a serif typeface is desired for longer-form copy and smaller captions, Ryman Eco won’t be very legible. Freight’s angles and curves make for a dynamic, modern font that balances well with Proxima Nova.

Ryman Eco

Ryman Eco is a beautiful, eco-friendly display font that uses 30% less ink than similarly weighted fonts. Because of the complexity of its design, Ryman is best used at display sizes. As size is relative to viewing distance and application, there are no universal recommended sizes. Ensure that the linework within the structure of the letterforms is clearly visible. Ryman Eco is not recommended for body copy or long running text.

Type Treatments

Below are samples of type treatments based upon the styles used in the new brand.

type treatments


Design Elements

Solid Gold Background

gold background

Solid gold background can include the rod of asclepius overlayed with a transparency of about 10%.

Rod of Asclepius

The Rod of Asclepius is an ancient symbol for medicine, and with the V added, it's a symbol of veterinary medicine. Asclepius was the Greek god of medicine, and the snake on his staff was said to have delivered him a healing herb.

This rod illustration was created by UC Davis alumnus and brand illustrator Steven Noble and it is exclusive to the school—external units must ask permission from the communications team to use it if not using it to represent the school. In addition, the following rules apply to its usage within the school:

  • The rod illustration primarily was created to use as a watermark-style design element to add background visual interest. If you are using it in this way, try screening it back to 10-15% and then adjust the intensity as needed from there.
  • You may use the illustration as a regular visual element (not screened back) such as on a flyer, but do not use it as a substitute for the Veterinary Medicine logo.
  • Please check with the communications team with questions or for usage suggestions.


cut out photos

Large simple photos with background removed on a solid background.

Sample Designs

CAMF Brochure