Small Animal

Endowed Chair in Accessible Veterinary Care Named at UC Davis

Dr. Emily McCobb, DVM, MS, DACVAA has been named the inaugural PetSmart Charities Endowed Chair in Accessible Veterinary Care at the University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine. The role has been permanently funded by a $6 million grant, the single most sizeable grant in PetSmart Charities 30-year history.

Dog Survives Carbon Monoxide Poisoning from House Fire

Dr. Allison O'Donnell is familiar with the UC Davis veterinary hospital, having received her veterinary degree from the school in 2023. Unfortunately, she and fiancé Matt Cardinale had to experience the hospital as clients recently when their dog Squid, a 5-year-old female husky/terrier mix, was trapped in a house fire and suffered carbon monoxide poisoning.

Pet Owners: Watch Out for Foxtail Seed Pods That Can Harm Your Dog or Cat This Summer

Across much of the United States, spring is in full force. With warmer weather, people are taking their furry family members out on longer walks and spending more time outside. Alongside blooming flowers and trees, your pet might run into a small, unassuming grass seed pod known as a foxtail. Despite the cute name, foxtails can pose a major threat to your pet’s health.

UC Davis Successfully Treats Cancer in Dog of Olympic Champion and Actor/Singer Star Couple


Hunter, a 9-year-old cocker spaniel, lives a great life with his owners Brian Boitano and Franc D’Ambrosio. But when D’Ambrosio noticed an abnormality while performing a routine anal sac expression, they took Hunter to their veterinarian who diagnosed apocrine gland anal sac adenocarcinoma (AGASACA). While AGASACA represents 17% of all perianal tumors in dogs, it only makes up 2% of all canine skin tumors.

Dr. Boaz Arzi Becomes Member of American Academy of Craniomaxillofacial Surgeons


Dr. Boaz Arzi, chief of the Dentistry and Oral Surgery Service, has been accepted for membership into the American Academy of Craniomaxillofacial Surgeons (AACMFS). The Academy, consisting almost entirely of human medicine surgeons, approved his membership at its recent annual meeting. Dr. Arzi has met the criteria to become inducted into the AACMFS as an Associate Active Fellow.

Puppy Travels from Alaska for Specialty Care at UC Davis

Scout, a 7-month-old female miniature Dachshund, had a rough start to her life in Anchorage, Alaska, where she lives with her littermate brother Finn, and another miniature Dachshund, 2-year-old Leroy, along with her owners, Karen and Gene Richardson. By the age of 3 months, it was discovered that Scout was born with incorrect blood vessel connections leading to her liver.

Patent Pending on UC Davis-Designed Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Prosthesis for Cats and Dogs


Veterinarians at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine have gained patent pending status on a jaw joint replacement implant for cats and dogs with end-stage temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. The group’s TMJ replacement (TMJR) prosthesis could revolutionize treatment for pets with non-functioning TMJs, either due to injury or disease. Initial research on the TMJR was recently published in the American Journal of Veterinary Research.

UC Davis Opens Advanced Veterinary Surgery Center

The UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital has expanded its Orthopedic Surgery Service to open the Advanced Veterinary Surgery Center. Modeled after human health inpatient/outpatient facilities, the center provides advanced surgical capabilities for animals suffering from injuries or disorders of the bones and joints, while increasing case volume and training capacity.

Young Cat Back to Full Activity after Total Hip Replacement

Atlas, a 2-year-old male cheetoh cat (Bengal/ocicat cross), is a fearless daredevil who likes to get into mischief, always wanting to climb to the highest heights he can reach in the house. Unfortunately, those activities caught up with him last May when he became acutely lame after jumping down from an elevated structure at home. X-rays showed a displaced fracture of the right femoral head that would require surgery.

UC Davis to Be First Training Site of New Fellowship Program

The UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (VMTH) will add to its nation-leading house officer program by becoming the first facility to host a training opportunity under the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine’s (ACVIM) new Fellowship Program. The program will offer a multi-year, hands-on clinical training opportunity in cases specifically within a discipline. The first ACVIM Fellowship at UC Davis will be offered in Infectious Diseases, and fellowships in other areas of interest will be developed by the ACVIM in the coming months.