How to Apply
GSSP Application Deadline
Application deadline - February 14, 2025
How to Apply
Download the 2025-2026 GSSP Application below. The application is now a fillable Word doc* that you can insert your proposal and letters of support into, then save as a single .pdf and submit as an email attachment. If you encounter any problems, please email for help. *Adobe Acrobat is required to complete the application.
Download the 2025-2026 GSSP Application
Note, several sections have character limits. Please pay attention to these when drafting your proposal.
Review this page for information on:
- Eligibility (students and mentors)
- Application Procedures
- GSSP Awards Committee
- Review Considerations
- Funding Decisions
Student applicants should:
- Submit current CV listing all active & pending grants
- Be currently enrolled in or accepted to an appropriate graduate group, clinical research training program, or scientific training program at the time of application
- Propose to engage in veterinary medicine affiliated training at UC Davis, except if research and/or scientific training is more appropriately obtained at an off-campus site
Faculty mentors should:
- Assume financial responsibility for students to include research costs, and any expenses beyond the GSSP award amount (supplemental stipend, tuition/fees/NRST, supply/travel expenses)
- Submit current NIH biosketch or CV listing all active & pending grants
- Be members of the School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM)
- Have a demonstrated history of training and graduating students with advanced scientific degrees, publication productivity, and grant-writing success
Application Procedure
All applications for GSSP funds must be submitted as a single .pdf document to Download the application below to begin your application.
Access the 2025-2026 GSSP Application. If you encounter any problems, please email for help.
Note, several sections have character and/or word limits. Please pay attention to these when drafting your proposal.
GSSP Awards Committee
Funds are awarded on a competitive basis by the GSSP Awards Committee, which is made up of faculty members of the School of Veterinary Medicine, including:
- Chairs, or their representatives, of the graduate groups managed by the School of Veterinary Medicine (Integrative Pathobiology, Epidemiology, Immunology)
- VSTP Director
- Center Director, chosen by the School of Veterinary Medicine Research Council
- PI of an existing training grant, appointed by the SVM Dean's Office
- Two (2) at-large veterinary school faculty nominated by the department chairs and appointed by the SVM Dean's Office
- Up to two (2) open seats to allow for invitation, by the SVM Dean's Office, for representatives from graduate groups not administered by the School of Veterinary Medicine
- For the review of P.C. Kennedy Fellowship Applications: A committee convened by the Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Education consisting of 2 current faculty members of the anatomic pathology group, an ACVP diplomate and alumnus of the graduate training program in Veterinary Anatomic Pathology not currently a member of the UCD SVM faculty, and 2 scientists from the UCD community who are experts in naturally occurring diseases of domestic animals, will be reviewing these particular applications.
Review Considerations
The primary focus for awarding GSSP applications is based on scientific and academic merit, as well as the relevance to the field of veterinary medicine. Financial need is secondary with consideration for funding based on where the student is in his/her degree program, i.e., first year, second year, etc., and the amount of confirmed funding reflected in the Financial Support Plan request. Because of the diversity of applications received seeking funding from GSSP, review of applications is based on the following criteria:
For First-time Awards:
- Information provided by the candidate’s formal application to the advanced scientific degree program, if relevant
- Candidate’s eligibility for GSSP funding
- Candidate’s academic record
- Candidate’s narrative describing his/her commitment to a research and/or professional scientific career
- Candidate’s professional competency and accomplishments
- The proposed project's relevance to veterinary medicine
- The faculty sponsor’s academic and scientific qualifications to serve as a mentor
- The faculty sponsor’s financial plan for providing multi-year support for the student requesting GSSP funding, including payment of tuition & fees and/or research supplies
- The faculty sponsor's mentoring plan
For Recompeting Awards:
- Assessment of successful progress made during the previous years
- Whether or not the applicant has completed and submitted an extramural grant application during his/her training period
- Whether the applicant continues to fulfill the Conditions of Award
Funding Decisions
2025-2026 GSSP award and REACH Fellowship Program funding decisions will be made by end of April 2025.
All funding decisions by the GSSP Awards Committee are subject to review and approval by the Office of Research and Graduate Education, School of Veterinary Medicine.
Please contact the SVM Graduate Student Support Program at with any questions or concerns.