Our Team

Our Team

Danika Bannasch

Danika Bannasch

Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Education
Maxine Adler Endowed Chair in Genetics

Email: dlbannasch@ucdavis.edu

Leslie Nemeth

Leslie Nemeth

Director, Office of Research and Graduate Education

Leslie serves as the Director and advisor to the Associate Dean, providing strategic planning and development, leadership, financial oversight and planning, organizational development, and supervision to the unit. She provides oversight and management of both intramural and extramural research funding programs housed within the unit including Center for Food Animal Health.

Email: lanemeth@ucdavis.edu


Diana Bond

Graduate Group Coordinator – GGIP and DE-HMI
Email: dsbond@ucdavis.edu 

Eveline Gutierrez

Graduate Group Coordinator – MPVM and GGE
Email: elgutierrez@ucdavis.edu  

Jessica Drushell

Project Policy Analyst
Email: jdrushell@ucdavis.edu 

Erin Kent

Graduate Group Coordinator – GGI and VSTP 
Email: eckent@ucdavis.edu 

Jose Franco

Research and Strategic Partnership Coordinator
Email: jlfranco@ucdavis.edu 

Christine Munsterman

Training Grant Administrator – AMID, STAR, and GSSP
Email: cmmunsterman@ucdavis.edu 

Maggie Gonzalez

Financial Analyst
Email: mmgonzalez@ucdavis.edu 

Jenniie Nguyen

Program Coordinator - PacVec
mail: jengu@ucdavis.edu