Boehringer Ingelheim Veterinary Scholars Program
Veterinary education provides a solid foundation of comparative knowledge upon which research training and careers in biomedical research can be built. No other profession provides such global perspectives on comparative anatomy, physiology, pathology, and medicine at the organismal level. Today, especially, veterinary education provides an outstanding base of knowledge in infectious disease, an area of emerging importance in a shrinking world. Further, the molecular reductionism of the last century has given way to integrative approaches to biomedical investigations, especially in the use of animal models to study disease. Therefore, to advance animal health, which in turn promotes public health, the capture of a new generation of highly skilled and broadly educated veterinary students to prepare them for careers in biomedical research must be a high priority. It is training programs such as ours, supported by resources such as those from Boehringer Ingelheim, that cultivate today's veterinary students into tomorrow's veterinary scientists.
The Boehringer Ingelheim Veterinary Scholars Program provides an opportunity for veterinary schools to expose students in their first two years of veterinary medical school to biomedical research. During the three-month summer session, successful recipients will conduct original research with faculty in any one of the various research centers in the School of Veterinary Medicine. In addition, student scholars will be expected to attend one-hour weekly evening presentations by faculty on such topics as ethical conduct of research, preparation of grant applications, journal clubs, database search strategies, good laboratory practices, leadership skills, and career counseling. By providing a supportive environment to explore and experience research in an established laboratory along with seminars and discussion groups on careers in science, it is hoped that the students will gain an informed insight into a career in research, and stimulate some of the scholars to pursue a career in research, subsequent to completing their veterinary degrees. Fellowships of approximately $6,500 each will be made available.
Qualifications and Requirements
Interested 1st and 2nd year veterinary students from any AVMA accredited US veterinary college, especially women and underrepresented minorities, with an accumulated GPA of 3.0 or higher are encouraged to apply; students enrolled in graduate programs, students that have received advanced degrees in science, or previous recipients of the BIVSP grant are ineligible. The project must be completed within the summer of the award and a written summary presented to the faculty sponsor and the Program Director.
Application Procedures
The application process to participate in STAR as a BIVSP scholar is the same – see the How to Apply section of this website. For further information, contact the SVM Office of Research & Graduate Education at
For more information, please visit the Boehringer Ingelheim Veterinary Scholars Program national website.