[JCAC] Political Ideology, Racialization, and Antisemitism

PLEASE NOTE: Student club and organization events are limited to current UC Davis Veterinary Medicine students who are registered SAVMA members. Additionally, many club and organization events are further restricted to club members who have paid their respective club dues.

Event Date

1041 Valley Hall

Prof. Jeffrey Sherman from the Department of Psychology at UC Davis will discuss his recent research in this JCAC (Jewish Climate Advisory Council)-sponsored seminar. In addition to his academic appointment in Psychology, Jeff Sherman is an affiliated faculty member of the Center for Mind and Brain. He also is principal investigator of the Social Cognition Lab. He currently serves as the editor of Social Cognition and previously served on the editorial boards of numerous professional publications. He is an elected fellow of several professional organizations, including the Association for Psychological Science, the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, and the Western Psychological Association.