Policy on Visiting Students and Veterinarians

Policy on Visiting Students and Veterinarians

Policy on Visiting Students and Veterinarians

Visiting Student Externships (students in process of obtaining their veterinary degree)                                                               

We are temporarily unable to process applications for the 2025-2026 clinical year.


Please read through the policies. Application instructions are listed at the end of this section.


Applicable policies are outlined below.

  • Students who are in their final year of Veterinary School will be given priority. 
  • Acceptance is contingent upon availability of places in the requested clinical rotation or Service.
  • Students will be accepted for no more than 12 weeks of clinical rotations. This limit includes the combined total number of weeks at all UC Davis training sites.
  • Start and end dates for visits must coincide with the 2-week block scheduling system in place at the VMTH.
  • An instructional fee of $472.00 per week* will be charged to students from Schools or Colleges that are not AVMA-accredited or cannot provide similar exchange opportunities to UC Davis students. This fee will also be charged to students from AVMA-accredited schools for weeks beyond the four described in the above waiver.
  • Instructional fees will be waived for up to four weeks of clinical rotations for students from AVMA-accredited Schools or Colleges of Veterinary Medicine where the language of instruction is English that have comprehensive teaching hospitals and can reciprocally provide a broad range of clinical educational opportunities to visiting UC Davis students.
  • There will be an additional administrative processing fee of $115 for students requesting rotations of up to 2 weeks’ duration ($50 for paperwork and $65 for coordination of rotations) and $65 for every additional rotation of up to 2 weeks thereafter*. Students from all schools must pay this processing fee starting September 1, 2016.

    - Administrative Processing fee -
    2 week visit duration — $115
    3-4 week visit duration — $180
    5-6 week visit duration — $245
    7-8-week visit duration — $310
    9-10 week visit duration — $375
    11-12 week visit duration — $440
  • Fee waivers will be considered only under extraordinary circumstances at the discretion of the Service Chief and the Chief Veterinary Medical Officer. **see note at end of page
  • Students will be evaluated either with the UC Davis evaluation system or with their school’s system, whichever is preferred.
  • Room and board is not included in the fee listed above.  It is expected that students will arrange their own travel and accommodations; however, information regarding potential accommodations will be made available on request. 
  • A standard professional liability insurance policy with $1 million of coverage is required.  Overseas students who are not able to obtain professional liability insurance in their home country may apply for coverage through the CVMA Veterinary Insurance Services Company (VISC).  Information and applications will be sent upon request once a student is accepted.  Students from North American Schools or Universities may apply for insurance through Wells Fargo Insurance Services.  If an individual who has made arrangements to visit the VMTH and participate in patient care arrives and does not provide proof of liability insurance, that individual will not be permitted to engage in hands-on patient care until a liability insurance policy can be obtained.
  • Visiting students must provide proof of medical insurance coverage. Students visiting the Large Animal Clinic are required to provide proof of recent N95 fit testing.
  • SVM-IT provides technical support for visiting students regarding SVM network and applications issues.  Minor troubleshooting support for personal equipment is available as resources permit.  Loaner equipment is not available to visiting students.
  • Visiting students must be proficient in spoken and written English to be accepted. Applicants whose native language or language of instruction is not English must take the TOEFL, unless they have earned a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree from either:

    a. A regionally accredited U.S. college or university, OR
    b. A foreign college or university which is listed in the International Association of Universities' World Higher Education Database (http://www.whed.net/) as providing instruction solely in English (letters from universities or programs indicating that English was the sole language of instruction will not be accepted). The English language testing requirement is waived for applicants from the following countries:

    * Australia
    * Ireland
    * New Zealand
    * Tanzania
    * Canada (excluding Quebec)
    * Jamaica
    * Sierra Leone
    * United Kingdom
    * Ghana
    * Kenya
    * South Africa
  • For students from countries where English is not the primary language spoken, the minimum required scores on the TOEFL iBT are 25 in listening, 22 in writing, 22 in speaking, and 23 in reading; no minimum overall score is required.
  • The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is given by Educational Testing Service (ETS). Their website address is http://www.ets.org/toefl. Official score reports must be sent directly to us by the applicant. TOEFL scores expire after two years. Scores that are older than two years will not be accepted.

Applications are currently on hold. If you submit an application now you will be asked to submit one again when we resume processing.

To apply, please fill out and submit this form for each service you wish to visit. Please make sure to indicate if you are a US citizen or green card holder.

  • Students seeking to spend time at the William R. Pritchard Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (VMTH) will need to submit their preferred visit dates, Service/Rotation they wish to visit, a current CV, TOEFL Scores (if applicable) and a letter of recommendation. Prospective student application materials will be reviewed  to ensure the compatibility of skills and experience are comparable or above the level of our clinical students as well as able to meet the demand of the externship. Please see links below for rotation block calendars and timeline of applications

Rotation block calendar for June 2024-April 2025 is viewable here

Participating rotation outlines can be seen here

**We will be waiving the weekly fees, but not the administrative processing fees for the following rotations: Equine Emergency/Critical Care, Equine Internal Medicine, Equine Surgery/Lameness, Livestock Medicine, Livestock/Herd Health, and CAPE).**

Student Visitor Information Form (only submit if already an approved visitor)

Visiting Veterinarians

We are unable to accept visitors at this time. This page will be updated when we are in a position to accept visitor requests.


This policy applies to visiting veterinarians and other health professionals who request to participate in clinical rotations at the William R. Pritchard Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (VMTH).  A separate policy applies to veterinary students from Schools and Colleges of Veterinary Medicine other than UC Davis.


Whereas the faculty and staff of the VMTH strive to be as accommodating as possible toward visiting veterinarians, please be advised that space and other limitations may preclude acceptance of visitors to specific Services on specific dates.  Requests must be approved by the appropriate Service Chief and by the VMTH Director, and all arrangements must be made through the Director's Office by contacting the VMTH Visitor Coordinator by telephone at 530-752-2957.  Veterinarians will need to submit their preferred visit dates, the Service they wish to visit, and a current CV.  Applicable policies are outlined below:

  1. Veterinarians who are California residents will normally be charged $189/day or $945/week for the first week and $159/day or $795/week for subsequent days/weeks (based on tuition and fees for veterinary students who are California residents).
  2. Veterinarians who are not California residents will normally be charged $240/day or $1200/week for the first week and $210/day or $1050/week for subsequent days/weeks (based on tuition and fees for non-resident veterinary students).  Fees are due on the first day of the visit and can be paid by cash, check or credit card.
  3. All visitors will also be charged a one-time administrative fee of $150.
  4. Room and board is not included in this fee.  It is expected that veterinarians will arrange for their own travel and accommodations; however, information regarding potential accommodation is available upon request.
  5. A standard professional liability insurance policy with $1 million of coverage is required.  U.S. visitors are responsible for obtaining their own insurance.  Overseas veterinarians (foreign scholars), who are not able to obtain professional liability insurance in their home country, may be able to obtain coverage through the CVMA.  Information and applications will be sent to visitors, when accepted. If an individual who has made arrangements to visit the VMTH and to participate in patient care arrives and does not provide proof of liability insurance, that individual will not be permitted to engage in hands-on patient care, until a liability insurance policy can be obtained.
  6. The title of “visiting veterinarian” will be accorded.
  7. The visiting veterinarian can be given library privileges by obtaining a “Temporary Affiliate Account” through the VMTH Director’s Office.
  8. Veterinarians from some foreign countries will need to obtain a visa if their total stay in the United States exceeds one month.  Additional administrative and INS fees associated with visa arrangements may be charged.  Fees for visa documents are due, at the time document arrangements are made, for each individual and should be made payable to the VMTH.  Visitors should contact the Director’s Office for information on fees and visas.
  9. The VMTH does not have an Education Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates (ECFVG) training program and does not, therefore, accept veterinarians seeking to complete ECFVG requirements at the VMTH. 
  10. The VMTH does not participate in remedial training required by the Veterinary Medical Board (VMB) for veterinarians who have been disciplined.
  11. During the resident recruitment period (usually September-December), resident applicants visiting for an interview are exempt from fees.
  12. Non-traditional/alternative track residents are veterinarians who are in practice and who elect to spend time in VMTH services to fulfill specialty board requirements.  If the non-traditional resident is functioning as an integral part of a service, thereby helping to deliver patient care, teach and provide a service, the Service Chief may elect to waive fees.  If the non-traditional/alternative track resident visits the VMTH for short blocks of time and does not fully participate in patient care, teaching, service and on-call duties, fees will be charged as defined in 1 and 2 above.
  13. Veterinarians visiting as part of a sabbatical leave or to participate in research and academic pursuits normally receive a courtesy appointment and register through a department within the School of Veterinary Medicine.  If the individual will also work in the VMTH, he or she must report to the Director’s Office to complete visitor forms.  Academic visitors of this type are not typically required to pay fees, but will need the proper visa.  In these cases, visa arrangements are the responsibility of the host department within the School.